Grip UNX-8591 This is a thumb grip for Leica CL. By inserting it into the camera shoe, you can hold the camera stably with one hand as your thumb rests on the grip. Grip
Grip UNX-8590 This is a thumb grip for Leica Q2. By inserting it into the camera shoe, you can hold the camera stably with one hand as your thumb rests on the grip. Grip
Grip UNX-8562/UNX-8563 This is a thumb grip for the leica M10. By inserting it into the camera shoe, you can hold the camera stably with one hand as your thumb rests on the grip. Grip
グリップ UNX-8562/UNX-8563 Leica M10用サムグリップです。カメラシューに差し込む事によりカメラを持つ際にグリップに親指が掛かるようになり、片手でも安定してカメラを持つ事ができます。 グリップ